Users rating
Personal rating will be compiled for all users, both for customers and performers.
All tasks and tests will be categorized into DeFi, NFT, Marketing, Games, Moderating, Social Media Management, etc. There will be both a total point count and separate counts for each category.
Customers ratings will be based on their statistics: points will be awarded for number of tasks issued, amount of USDC paid to performers, customers loyalty to completion of tasks by performers (concessions in arbitration disputes, compromises), points are withdrawn for the frequency of appeals to arbitration disputes, frequent rejections of tasks by platform moderators.
Performers rating will depend on larger number of indicators: points will be awarded for correctness of task/test completion, frequency of task/test completion, high percentage of task completion accuracy, amount of USDC received from tasks and customers; points are withdrawn for a low percentage of correct completion of tests/tasks, frequent initiative appeals to arbitration disputes, loyalty to the customer (concessions in arbitration disputes, compromises).
Both the overall and separate ratings will be available to both the customer and performer for maximum informativeness of both participants.
Last updated