For customers
Customers needs moderator for a Telegram group to track censorship. Customer submits documentation to platform, which performer must study on the topic of Telegram channel moderation, with information display duration of 3 days. Performer studies material. Then, after 3 days, customer posts tests that performer must pass. Criteria for tests and tasks are as follows: 2 days to complete tests with an accuracy of 85% or more, number of attempts is one (possibly more without revealing results of previous correct/incorrect answers to the test), positive slider to send contact details to performer in case of successful test completion. If performer passes test with less than 85% correct answers, payment for completed work is not credited to their account. If performer completes test with 85% or more correct answers, payment is credited to their account with option to claim at the moment of crediting to the balance of personal account.
After successfully passed test, customer can contact performer to discuss further issues: interviews, job offers. Communication can be carried out via the transmitted data or via the platform's chat with mutual consent of the participants (for this, request for performer's consent to dialogue with customer`s will be sent in chat).
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